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Rose-breasted Grosbeak is striking songbird

What is red, black and white? The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a gorgeous bird that is a migrating species. I have been lucky to have them at my feeder for only two to three weeks as they use my yard as a stop-over on the flight to cooler, northern summer, nesting locations. 

It is truly a treat to view these striking songbirds. They are said to sing like a robin that has had opera training. But as it happens often in nature, the females and immature grosbeaks are streaked brown and white with a bold face pattern and enormous bill.

You will only be able to spot them in the spring and fall. Look for them to eat sunflower seeds and peanuts at feeders as well as insects and fruit found in your landscape. You will have no trouble identifying the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. If you want to learn more about this bird, check out

Brandt Carter is a local bird enthusiast as well as a puppy trainer for Canine Companions therapy dogs. She and her husband own Backyard Birds, 2374 E. 54th St., Indianapolis 46220. Brandt's column appears in The Broad Ripple Gazette. To subscribe, visit


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